Friday 13 March 2020

Houmous or is it Hummus... Chickpea and Tahini dip!

First things first, how the devil am I supposed to spell it? It had not previously occurred to me that the spelling of one of Britain's (if not the most) loved dips would be so contentious!

I have the spelling of "Houmous" so deeply ingrained I don't know if I can convert to writing Hummus, and it all seems to stem from translation from Arabic not being straight forward due to differing alphabets.

Personally I would be on board with Hummus as it seems to tie in more closely to the dishes origin...but as previously alluded too, I think I have Houmous in the veins!

Now you may be wandering why you'd want to make something that is so readily available in store...and the answer is the same as every other dish you make; it. will. taste. better!

The best part about making Houmous at home is that you can play with the flavour profile, want a little extra garlic kick? Go ahead an put another half clove in! Want some spice running though? Add 1/2 tsp of Cumin!

You get the idea!

The recipe I used is below (and a quick video if you're not sure on how to make this simple and delicious dish).


1 x Tin of chickpeas*
1 x Lemon Juice
1 x tsp Tahini
1 x tsp Salt
3 x tbls Olive Oil
1 x Garlic Clove

*If you are confident I would highly recommend using your own cooked chickpeas - but be warned that you need to prepare in advance!


This is the easy part, put all together (only use half the lemon juice to start) in a blender and blitz up into a smooth paste - add water a little at a time to loosen the mix to the right consistency and remember to check your seasoning (add more lemon juice if needed - the juice should lift the flavours not over power them, so stop adding juice before the lemon becomes too strong!)

Anyway please watch the below short video of this recipe - with some home made Flatbread if you want to create a nice antipasti (like, subscribe - we all know the youtube drill!).


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